「內容提要」西方法治產生的深層根源在于其國家與市民社會的分離和互動發展,即在國家重建和市民 社會自由化運動過程中,權力和權利的界分與沖突導致了法律秩序的生成,而市民社會精神 的張揚則推動了法律形式化運動。在走向現代法治的進程中,由于國家和市民社會關系的潛 在差異,出現了“社會優位型”和“國家優位型”兩種法治模式,但隨著全球化進程的加快 與“國家社會化”和“社會國家化”的新變化,西方法治也由分殊走向了趨同,并出現了法 律傳統的危機和超越傾向。中國要走向法治,就必須重構國家和社會關系,確立多元社會權 利基礎、公權力權威和良法之治,并實現依法治國與市民社會理性規則秩序的回應與契合。
「摘 要 題」法治講臺
「英文摘要」The deep source of western rule by law lies in the separation of country with demagogic society and interactive development,that is in the course of country r e -construction and demagogic social independence movement,the demarcation and con flict of power with right give rise to the production of legal order,but the adv ocating of townspeople social spirit promotes the legal formalization movement.I n the course of pursuit of the modern rule by law,two kinds of rule by law mode s appeared due to the potential disparity of social relation between country&nbs p;and townspeople.But with the speeding up of globalization progress,the western rule by law has changed from disparity to commonness and the crisis of legal traditi on and overstep inclination appear.If China wants to step into rule by law,it is necessary to re-construct the relation between country and society,establish th e power basis of pluralistic society,and realize the integration of rule by law and demagogic society rational rule order.
「關 鍵 詞」國家/市民社會/法治/Country/Demagogic Society/Rule by Law
「正 文」
法治是近代西方的產物,但同時它也是全人類的文明成就。關注并探尋西方法治產生的深 層歷史根源及其發展變化和面臨的時代挑戰,對推進中國法治進程具有重大意義。
在西方法律史家那里,無論是注重教皇革命的力量,還是注重資產階級興起的作用,亦或 是強調多元集團與自然法的結合,都不得不以西歐11世紀史實為起點,至少也要追溯中世紀 西歐歷史的多元性。[10][16][11]這表明,近代法治的歷史根源在于中世紀西歐的“獨特性 ”。
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