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摘要: 以低濃度的穩定鉛同位素為示蹤劑,采用電感耦合等離子質譜法,通過盆栽實驗,考察了在不同的pH值環境和不同鉛源引入方式下,茶樹植株對鉛的吸收情況以及鉛在植株體內的分布及遷移規律.結果表明:茶樹植株對大氣鉛源污染的反應比土壤鉛源污染靈敏;大氣鉛源污染有往頂端(芽)遷移的趨勢,而土壤鉛源污染則主要聚集在根部;低pH條件增強植株對鉛的吸收且能促使植株體內的鉛的往高處遷移.本實驗方法危害小,更接近植株承受低濃度污染的實際情況,能區分實驗引入鉛源和環境引入鉛源. Abstract: Low concentration isotopic lead tracer (SRM982) was adopted, ICP-MS was used as a detection tool. By pot test, the chemical action of lead in tea under the condition of different pH and different modes of lead exposure was studied. Simulated rain water (C_(pb) = 0.5mg·l~(-1)) was used to pot soil and spray leaf to investigate the adsorption, distribution and migration of lead in two systerms: atmosphere-tea and soil-tea. The results are: 1. the reaction to lead pollution from atmosphere is more sensitive than that from soil; 2. the migration and distribution in tea of lead pollution from atmosphere and from soil is different, the former has the trend of conveying to bud while the latter focus mainly in root; 3. pH has an evidently effect on the migration of lead in tea, generally, low pH facilitates migration to upper parts. This method has the advantages that tea beared low polution, and the hazard to plant is less than traditional ways. In addition, lead from environment and from tracer can be separated. 作 者: 黃華斌 莊峙廈 楊妙峰 張建平 齊士林 羅潔 王小如 HUANG Hua-bin ZHUANG Zhi-xia YANG Miao-feng ZHANG Jian-ping QI Shi-lin LUO Jie WANG Xiao-ru 作者單位: 黃華斌,張建平,齊士林,羅潔,HUANG Hua-bin,ZHANG Jian-ping,QI Shi-lin,LUO Jie(現代分析科學教育部重點實驗室,廈門大學化學化工學院,廈門,361005)莊峙廈,王小如,ZHUANG Zhi-xia,WANG Xiao-ru(現代分析科學教育部重點實驗室,廈門大學化學化工學院,廈門,361005;國家海洋局第一海洋研究所,青島,266061)
楊妙峰,YANG Miao-feng(福建水產研究所,廈門,361012)
期 刊: 環境化學 ISTICPKU Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 年,卷(期): 2009, 28(6) 分類號: X13 關鍵詞: 穩定同位素示蹤 電感耦合等離子質譜 遷移 鉛. Keywords: stable isotopic trace ICP-MS migration lead.【鉛在植物-環境體系中的吸收、分布和遷移規律的穩定同位素示蹤法研究】相關文章:
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