- 相關推薦
股民 investor
股票期權 the stock option
股票轉讓制度 the stock-transfer system
股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market
股指 stock index
刮鼻子 criticize; reprimand
掛靠 be attached or affiliated to; be subordinate to
掛靠戶 an adjunct organization
掛牌開業 hang out one's shingle; put one's name plate in (a certain street)
掛職 (1) take a temporary post (in order to temper oneself); (2) serve in a lower level unit for a period while retaining one's position in the previous unit
掛職下放 transfer to lower units with one's post retained
關閉效應 blackout effect
觀潮派 those who take a wait-and-see attitude; fence-straddler
觀光電梯 sightseeing (tourist) lift
關聯交易 connected transaction
關貿總協定(世界貿易組織的前身) GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
關門態度 closed-door attitude
官商 state-operated commerce
關稅壁壘 customs barrier; tariff wall
關稅配額 tariff quota
關停并轉 close down, suspend operation, merge with others or shift to different line of production; rationalize
觀望態度 wait-and-see attitude
關系網 connection network; relationship network
關于進一步加強農村教育工作的決定 Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
冠狀病毒 corona virus
廣播電視大學 radio and television university
光碟,光盤 compact disk; CD
廣而告之 publicize widely
廣告詞 jingle
廣告代理行 advertising agent
廣告電話直銷 direct response advertising
廣告畫 poster
廣告妙語 attention-getter
廣告人 advertising man; adman
廣告宣傳車 loudspeaker van; sound truck
光谷 optical valley
光機電一體化 "optical, mechanical and electronic integration"
廣交會 The China Export Commodities Fair
廣開財路 make full use of all talents
廣開就業門路 create more employment opportunities
光纜 optic cable
光盤雜志 CD-ROM magazine
馬術:Equestrian 英語詞匯07-04