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摘要: 通過XAD-8/XAD-4吸附樹脂聯用技術將黃浦江微污染原水中溶解性有機物分為疏水酸、非酸疏水物質、弱疏水物質及親水物質4類有機物,研究了鋁鹽混凝工藝對黃浦江水中4類有機物的去除效果.硫酸鋁在最佳混凝條件下,即投加量為8 mg·l~(-1)(以Al計),pH=5.5時,水中的DOC和UV_(254)的去除率分別達到23%和32%.有機物的親疏水性對混凝工藝有較大影響,混凝法傾向于優先去除水中疏水性有機物,而疏水性有機物的酸堿性對混凝工藝沒有明顯影響,酸性和非酸類疏水物質均能破混凝工藝所去除.疏水酸是水中最主要的三氯甲烷類消毒副產物的前體物質,混凝工藝對于三氯甲烷類消毒副產物有良好的控制作用,總體減少了 39%的生成量.而不同類的有機物之間,混凝工藝對消毒副產物控制效果不同,其中對疏水酸的控制三氯甲烷消毒副產物的效果最好,減少了63%的生成量,親水物質的控制效果最差,三氯甲烷生成量儀減少了3%.疏水酸表現出比親水物質更強的生物毒性,混凝工藝能明顯降低原水的毒性. Abstract: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water from Huangpu river was separated by XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins into four fractions: hydrophobic acids, non-acid hydrophobics, transphilics and hydrophilics. The paper focused on the removal effect of the four different fractions through the coagulation process by aluminum salts. The best aluminum salts coagulation condition for the water from Huangpu river is as followed: 8mg ·l~(-1)(Al)as the best dosage, and pH =5.5 as the best pH. Under the best conditions, Aluminum salts removed UV-absorbing substances achieving 32% reduction in UV_(254) ; and it also resulted in a 23% reduction in dissolved organic carbon (DOC). DOM's hydrophobicity had noticeable effect on coagulation process. Hydrophobic acids were mostly removed by coagulation process. However, acidity-alkalinity of DOM made no difference. Hydrophobic acids were the most activated trihalomethanes precursors in the water. The coagulation process had a sound effect of trihalomethanes control, achieveing the total trihalomethanes removal ratio to 39%. For different kinds of organic fractions, the coagulation process controlled the disinfection by-products (DBPs) to different extent. For the bydrophobic acids, coagulation process achieved the reduction of trihalomethanes 63%, while for the hydrophilics, only resluted in 3%. The hydrophobic acids in the water performed more toxic than the hydrophilics. After the coagulation process, the toxicity of both two organic fractions were obviously removed. 作 者: 許雯佳 孫賢波 張蕾 劉勇弟 XU Wen-jia SUN Xian-bo ZHANG Lei LIU Yong-di 作者單位: 華東理工大學資源與環境工程學院,上海,200237 期 刊: 環境化學 ISTICPKU Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 年,卷(期): 2009, 28(6) 分類號: X13 關鍵詞: 微污染原水 混凝 樹脂分離 三氯甲烷 生物毒性. Keywords: micro-polluted raw water coagulation resin fractionation trihalomethanes biological toxicity.【黃浦江原水中各類有機物在鋁鹽混凝過程中的去除效果】相關文章: