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。新的防腐劑終于能夠除掉生面團上面的不同條紋了,這意味著我們能比以前投資更多的產品了。 ----表明因你的天性好奇、熱愛讀書等原因,你是如何跟蹤新產品的。你有沒有足夠的興趣進行額外的研究并把適當的精力運用到你的工作上?給予具體的回答。?? Q: Why would you be particularly good at this business? A: I was a pastry chef, so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development. Recent preservatives have come a long way toward eliminating texture difference in pastry dough. This means we can investigate many more products than before.?? 問:你是如何關注當前時勢的? 答:我仔細研讀《華爾街日報》、《時代周刊》、《慈善機構投資者》和幾家共同基金時事通訊。我還有一大群分析家朋友。 通過描繪一些符合你目標的出版物或貿易團體來證明你對該企業或職業領域的興趣。? Q: How do you stay current? A: I pore over the Wall Street Journal, the Times, Institutional Investor, and several mutual fund newsletters. And I have a number of friends who are analysts. 2、問:為什么你認為你對該行業會保持長久的興趣?? 答:撇開晉升的機會不說,該行業的技術變化得如此快,所以這里有廣闊的就業機會。我尤其對多方面應用多媒體作為培訓手段感興趣。 ----你對該行業的發展前景有什么期望或設想?它使你不需晉升就可以獲得發展嗎?這家企業里什么使你最受鼓舞?你可以提供什么證據來證明你的興趣來源于你極度的好奇——可能回到幾年前的時間去找這個證據——而不是目前這些你可能放棄的一時興致? Q: Why do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul? A: The technology in the industry is changing so rapidly that I see lots of room for job enhancement regardless of promotions. I am particularly interested in the many applications for multimedia as a training tool. 3、問:5年之內你想處于什么位置?? 答:我希望有機會在工廠或國內辦事處工作。我也希望通過管理一個小團體發展我的管理技能。 ----不要給出具體的時限或工作頭銜。談你喜歡的東西,你天生的技能,實際的問題和在你所選的領域或行業里你希望有什么機會,你希望從那些經驗中學點什么。不要談論你在那些與你所應聘的工作無關的領域或行業里的目標。這是聽起來很明顯的道理,但是很多求職者會犯這個錯誤。不經意間你就表現出了對當前的領域或行業缺乏真正的興趣。不用說,一失言馬上就會把你從進一步的考慮中淘汰掉。?? Q: Where do you want to be in five years? A: Id like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office. I also hope to develop my management skills, perhaps by managing a small staff.? 4、問:描述你的理想職業。? 答:不管發生什么事情,我都愿意在與培訓有關的領域里工作。和在大學中教學的工作相比,我還是對商業感興趣。但我相信從事教育是我的天性,我擅長銷售是因為我愿意花時間去教我的客戶。現在我熱切盼望我能培訓那些新招聘進來的人,資料共享平臺
《面試經典問答雙語版》(http://salifelink.com)。 ----談及你喜歡的東西,你天生的技能,實際的問題或在這份特定工作或行業里你所期盼的機會,你希望從那些經驗里學點什么東西。避免談具體的時限和工作頭銜。 Describe your ideal career. A: I'd like to stay in a field related to training no matter what happens. I was too interested in business to work at a university, but I believe that teaching is somehow in my blood. I've been good at sales because I took the time to educate my clients. Now I look forward to training the new hires. 5、問:如果你有無限的時間和經濟來源,你會怎樣使用它們呢? 答:我希望能參加幾次不針對金融專家的有關金融管理的行政研討會。我還希望能讓我的部門放長假,把每一個人都派去參加外界的一些活動。最后,我很可能去旅游并考察一下外國競爭者,同時一路享受當地的美食,您呢? ----雖然娛樂的事情談起來很有誘惑力,但一定要緊扣工作或與行業相關的事務,或者緊扣與你應聘的這份工作的技能相關的努力上。例如,你正在應聘教書工作,你可能對義務教授成年人讀書識字的項目感興趣。這就證明了你對自己的工作領域的激情,即對教育重要性的一種信仰,即使是作為一種興趣而毫無報酬都無所謂 Q: If you had unlimited time and financial resources, how would you spend them? A: I'd love to be able to take several executive seminars on financial management that are not geared toward financial experts. I'd also love to be able to shut down my department long enough to send everyone through an Outward Bound type program. Finally, I'd probably travel and look at foreign competitors, and enjoy the food along the way. What would you do? 6、問:假如現在是你在我們公司做首次年度總結,我該告訴你一些什么呢?? 答:您要感謝我把工作完成得很好,并說明您渴望能夠繼續看到我工作的好成績。更重要的是,我希望您能告訴我,您很欣賞我為一些重要項目加班加點工作的行為,還有我富有創造性的思維是如何有助于對存在的問題提出改革方案的。 ---很明顯,在回答該問題時,你想給人留下積極的印象。“但愿您能更準時地出現”絕對不是一個好答案。記住,重點談一兩點你個人的優勢。?? Q: If this were your first annual review with our company, what would I be telling you right now? A: You?d be thanking me for a job well done and would be explaining how you look forward to continuing to see good work from me. Furthermore, I would anticipate your explaining how you really appreciated my putting in extra time on some key projects and how my creative thinking helped come up with some innovative solutions to existing problems.? 7、問:告訴我一些有關你自己的但在你的簡歷上又沒有反映出來的東西。? 答:你可能不知道我16歲就開始管理自己的投資組合,我認為你能理解我對投資銷售方面的興趣是重要的。在過去的8年里我平均每年獲得12%的盈利。 ----不要只是重復簡歷上已有的東西,講講那些雖與你過去的從業經驗無關但能反映你的個性和經驗的獨特的天賦或技能 Q: Tell me something about yourself that I didn't know from reading your resume.【面試經典問答雙語版】相關文章: