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Telling the whole truth about yourself in a job interview may mean losing a position to a better-qualified candidate. But the alternative -- lying about your degree, qualifications, or experience for short-term gain -- inevitably will come back to haunt you.   在面試中,對自己所有的情況都實話實說可能就意味著會輸給一個更適合該職位的候選者,但是另一方面,如果對自己的學位,資歷,經驗捏造事實,即使可以得到工作一段時間,最后也不可避免的會傷害到你自己,




Still, there are gray areas in which a small fib -- or embellishment -- could go a long way toward helping you land a job. 但是,修飾下一些細節方面的灰色地帶仍可以在很大程度上幫你得到一份工作。



"I'm a pro-fibber," says blogger and consultant Nicole Williams, author of the forthcoming book "Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success." "At the same time, you have to be aware of the risks and do it very strategically."


即將出版的書籍"Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success."一書的作者,博主,顧問Nicole Williams說:"我是一個說謊專家,但在說謊的同時,你要明白這樣做的風險,要非常有戰略性地去說謊。"



Here are six areas in which you can enhance your credentials without having a Pinocchio moment during an interview -- or even worse, after you've gotten the job.   即使沒有童話發生,你也可以通過以下六個方面來提高你在面試中的可信度,更厲害的是在你得到工作后可以進一步將其提高:




How much people make is "the No. 1 lie," says Julie Jansen, a career coach and author of "I Don't Know What I Want, But I Know It's Not This." "I tell my clients not to embellish their salaries." 職業教練Julie Jansen說有多少人將這點作為"1號謊言",而我告訴我的客戶不要美化他們的工資,





Instead, Jansen recommends you can provide recruiters with the value of your entire compensation package -- including salary, vacation and other benefits -- and request a percentage increase on top of that amount. 相反,Jansen推薦你可以向招聘者說出自己的所有福利---包括薪水,假期和其他福利,并且要求在此基礎上有一定的增長。




It's OK to stretch the truth about your title, if your actual responsibilities are more demanding than your job implies, according to workplace columnist and speaker Alexandra Levit.


根據職場專欄作家和演講家Alexandra Levit的觀點,如果你的職責比工作要求的更多,那么適當的夸大你的職位頭銜是可以的。



"A lot of times titles don't tell the whole story," says Levit, author of "They Don't Teach Corporate in College: A Twenty-Something's Guide to the Business World." "You might spin your title to reflect what you actually did." "很多時候職位并不能表明一切"作家 Levit如是說:"你可以說一個反應你做的所有事情的職位。"










