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jump value 跳槽價值
Jump value is the monetary difference between your current salary and what potential employers are courting you with. 所謂的“跳槽價值”指你的當前薪資與潛在雇主招募你時承諾的薪資之間的差距。 比如,你現在每月8000元,有個公司想招你過去,承諾每個月給你1萬,那么你的jump value就是2000元。 This was common in the 1990s with web developers and solution architects when they were switching jobs frequently to have jump values of five figures when all bonuses and incentives were calculated. This number was often compared against the potential for salary hikes with an existing employer over x years, but also as a way to gauge one's 'rank' or value in the .com revolution. 這個說法在20世紀90年代的時候在網絡研發人員和方案工程師當中特別流行,他們頻繁跳槽,所有獎金和津貼之類加起來,跳槽價值能達到五位數。他們通常會用跳槽價值來跟當前就職公司在未來n年里的漲薪幅度作比較,同時,這個跳槽價值也能體現一個人在互聯網領域的地位和價值。【jump value 跳槽價值】相關文章:
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