- 相關推薦
歧視性的限制 discriminatory restrictions
契稅 deed tax
期望壽命 life expectancy
期望值 level of expectation
氣象衛星 meteorological satellite
企業產權 property rights of enterprises
企業重組 reshuffle of the enterprises
企業的自我約束機制 self-regulating mechanism of enterprises
企業孵化器 enterprise incubator
企業改制 restructuring of enterprise
企業集團 enterprise group
企業兼并重組 annexation and reorganization of enterprises
企業年金 supplementary pension
企業凝聚力 cohesive force in enterprise
企業上市 listing of a company
企業文化 corporate culture
企業下放 place an enterprise under a lower level of administration
企業效益 performance of enterprises
企業形象 corporate image(CI)/ enterprise image
企業圓桌會議 Business Round Table
企業轉制 transformation of enterprise
啟用 promote somebody to a position of leadership
旗幟鮮明 clear-cut stand
洽談會 fair, meeting
錢袋子 fund sources
起跑線 starting line( for a race)
起博器 artificial or electronic heart pacemaker
汽車金融公司 auto financing company
汽車俱樂部 automobile club
汽車拉力賽 car rally
汽車旅館 motel
汽車排放標準 automobile emissions standards
期初存貨 opening stock
啟動基金 initial funding
啟發式教學 heuristic education
期房 forward delivery housing
“妻管嚴” hen-pecked
器官移植 organ transplant
欺行霸市 dominate the market
欺行霸市價格 forced quotation
期貨對沖交易 offsetting future transactions
期貨合同 forward contract
期貨交易 deal in futures; futures business/trading; forward business
騎警 horseback police
棋迷 chess fan
期末存貨 closing stock
旗袍 cheong-sam; Chi-pao
起跑器 block
欺上瞞下 deceive one's superiors and subordinates conceal from higher authority and deceive lower authority
馬術:Equestrian 英語詞匯07-04