- 相關推薦
現代中藥產業化 modern production of traditional Chinese medicines
憲法修正案 amendments to the Constitution
先發制人戰略 pre-emptive strategy
現房 completed apartment(or flat)
縣改市 county upgraded to city
現貨交易 spot transaction
鮮活商品 fresh goods
現貨自運 cash-and-carry
縣級市 county-level city
先積累后消費 accumulation before consumption
現金不足 short of cash
現金訂單 cash order
先進工作者 advanced worker
現金過剩 surplus of cash
現金流量 cash flow
現金通貨 cash currency
現金外流 cash drain
先決條件 prior condition;precondition; prerequisite
賢內助 good wife
嫌貧愛富 despise the poor and curry favor with the rich
限期匯票 tenor draft
先驅工業 prioneer industry
先入為主 First impressions are firmly entrenched.
閑散土地 scattered plots of unutilized land
閑散資金 scattered funds
現身說法 use one's own experience as an object lesson
險勝 "cliff-hanging win, narrow victory, nose out"
現實主義 realism
限速 speed limit
纖維光學 fibre optics
線下商貿運作 offline business operation
先下手為強 catch the ball before the bound
縣鄉機構改革 reforms of county and township government institutions
現行利息 current interest
校園數字化 campus digitalization
閑置人員 idle employee;idle hand
限制軍備 arms limitation
限制戰略武器會談 strategic arms limitation talks (SALT)
香港明天更好基金會 Better Hong Kong Foundation
香港特別行政區 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)
香格里拉 Shangri-la
享樂主義 hedonism
相鄰地區 adjoining areas
相鄰效應 neighborhood effect
項目立項 approve and initiate a project
項目評價 project evaluation
項目申報 project application
項目預算 project budget
項目支持 project support
橡皮子彈 rubber bullet
馬術:Equestrian 英語詞匯07-04