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摘要: 研究了廈門灣海域表層沉積物中Cu,Pb,Zn,Cr,Cd,Hg和As和16種多環芳烴的分布、來源及潛在的生態風險.結果表明:(1)Cu,Pb和As平均含量均介于效應濃度區間低值(ERL)和效應濃度區間中值(ERM)之間,而大多數站位Zn,Cr,Cd和Hg平均含量則低于ERL值;(2)沉積物多環芳烴(PAHs)以石油或油料燃燒來源為主,PAHs的總量遠低于ERL值(4000μg·kg~(-1));(3)重金屬與低環PAHs相關性顯著,易發生交互作用;(4)利用沉積物平均效應區間中值商法(mERM-Q)進行沉積物生態風險評價發現,筼篤湖表層沉積物對海洋底棲生物可能存在較強的生物毒性風險. Abstract: Heavy metal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are often present together in sediment environment, and their combined pollution has become one of the important directions of environmental sciences. Bottom surface sediments from 12 stations within Xiamen bay were analyzed for Cu, Zn, Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd and 16 priority PAHs. The results indicated that As, Pb and Cu were grouped between the effects range-low (ERL) and effects range-median(ERM), and Zn, Cr, Cd, Hg were grouped below ERL at most sites. Total PAH levels were far below ERL of 4000 μg kg~(-1) , and both petrogenic and pyrogenic inputs were significant to the observed PAH levels. The results that have shown a good correlation between heavy metals and low-ring PAHs indicated that they have similar chemical behaviours in the environment. By applying of mean Effects Range Median quotients (mERM-Q), it was found that the Yundang Lagoon with mERM-Q value close to 0.5 would be expected to have the greatest potential toxic risk in amphipod within Xiamen bay and its adjacent areas. 作 者: 李慶召 李國新 羅專溪 張嫻 顏昌宙 LI Qing-zhao LI Guo-xin LUO Zhuan-xi ZHANG Xian YAN Chang-zhou 作者單位: 李慶召,李國新,LI Qing-zhao,LI Guo-xin(中國科學院城市環境研究所城市環境與健康重點實驗室,廈門,361003;中國科學院研究生院,北京,100049)羅專溪,張嫻,顏昌宙,LUO Zhuan-xi,ZHANG Xian,YAN Chang-zhou(中國科學院城市環境研究所城市環境與健康重點實驗室,廈門,361003)
期 刊: 環境化學 ISTICPKU Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 年,卷(期): 2009, 28(6) 分類號: X13 關鍵詞: 重金屬 多環芳烴 沉積物 生態風險評價 廈門灣. Keywords: heavy metal PAHs sediment ecological risk assessment Xiarnen bay.【廈門灣海域表層沉積物重金屬和多環芳烴污染特征及生態風險評價】相關文章: