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摘要: 介紹了電路板的組成和類型,重點研究了廢舊電路板在低溫狀態下沖擊強度、彎曲強度和剪切強度的改性變化.實驗結果表明,沖擊強度和剪切強度在-30℃時變化明顯.在此基礎上進行了粗碎實驗和細碎實驗,先使用ZKB-2型雙輥式剪切破碎機將電路板破碎到20 mm×20 mm的塊狀,測試在低溫狀態下的功耗并計算其生產能力,在-30℃~-10℃范圍內,生產能力可提高約17%,再降低溫度會使產品質量受到影響.然后使用R型沖擊破碎機對廢舊電路板進行細碎實驗,將物料破碎到3 mm以下,并記錄在不同工況下的參數.實驗結果表明在-30℃左右平均功率下降得較快,冷卻5min對低溫改性最有利. Abstract: Introduce cryogenic grinding and the components of Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Study the low-temperature modification of PCB, including mechanical property to find the influence of the different low-temperature on impact strength, flexural strength, shear strength of PCB. Tests show that impact strength and shear strength of PCB change sharply at -30℃. Used ZKB-2 type double roll shear crusher to crush PCB to 20mm×20mm particle size, in a temperature range of -30℃~ -10℃, the product yield is 17% higher than room temperature, and much lower temperature may deteriorate the product quality of crusher. Used R type mill to grind sample to minus 3mm under different working condition, the average power is decrease in evidence at -30℃, freezing time for 5 minutes is best. 作 者: 周翠紅 路邁西 潘永泰 陳茂和 喬雪峰 ZHOU Cui-hong LU Mai-xi PAN Yong-tai CHEN Mao-he QIAO Xue-feng 作者單位: 周翠紅,喬雪峰,ZHOU Cui-hong,QIAO Xue-feng(北京石油化工學院環境工程系,北京,102617)路邁西,潘永泰,陳茂和,LU Mai-xi,PAN Yong-tai,CHEN Mao-he(中國礦業大學北京校區化學與環境工程學院,北京,100083)
期 刊: 中山大學學報(自然科學版) ISTICPKU Journal: ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI 年,卷(期): 2007, 46(z1) 分類號: X705 關鍵詞: 電路板 低溫改性 破碎 細碎 Keywords: printed circuit board (PCB) low-temperature modification crush grind【廢舊電路板低溫改性研究】相關文章: