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  本租賃合同由下述雙方于 年 月 日于中華人民共和國北京市簽訂:


  This lease agreement, dated the [ ] day of ,2007, Signed in Beijing, People‘s Republic of China by the following parties.

  一、 出租人: (以下簡稱“甲方”)

  Landlord:(hereinafter referred to as Party A)

  二、 承租人: (以下簡稱“乙方”)

  Tenant: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

  三、 承租區域:


  甲方為光華路SOHO【 】單元(以下簡稱“房屋”)合法擁有者,建筑面積為【 】平方米,甲方同意將房屋及內部設施在良好狀態下租給乙方,只可作為辦公用途,


  Party A hereby represents that it is the legal owner of the 【 】Apartment, guang hua lu SOHO (hereinafter “the Premises”), which construction area is 【 】square meters, and agrees that it will lease the Premises and the facilities therein, which are in clean and tenantable condition to Party B for use as office(s) only.

  四、 租賃期:

  Lease Term:

  4.1 租賃期為【 】年,自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。

  The term of this Lease Agreement shall be for a period of【 】 year(s) commencing from 【 】until 【 】。

  4.2 租期屆滿,甲方有權收回全部房屋,乙方應在租期屆滿日或之前,以甲方交付時狀態或雙方共同認可的狀態將房屋完好交還甲方。

  Upon expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the entire Premises , and Party B shall return the Premises on or prior to the date of expiry in the same condition as it is delivered or the other condition the parties agree to Party B by Party A .

  4.3 租期屆滿,乙方如要求續租,應在本合同期限屆滿前兩個月提出書面申請,取得甲方同意后,甲、乙雙方須另行簽署租賃協議。

  If Party B wishes to renew the lease, party B shall submit a written application to Party A two months prior to the expiry of this lease, and a lease agreement shall be concluded between the parties separately subject to Party A‘s consent.

  五、 免租期(含裝修期)

  Grace Period (including the decoration period )

  免租期為【 】天,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。乙方在免租期內免付租金。

  The Grace Period shall be for a period of 【 】days, commencing from 【 】 until【 .】During the Grace Period Party B need not pay the rent.

  六、 租金和其它費用:

  Rent and other charges:

  6.1 租金:房屋租金以每月每平方米(建筑面積)【 】元人民幣計算,建筑面積為【 】平方米,計每月租金為【 】元人民幣,租金包含物業管理費、供暖費,甲方按合同金額開具稅務發票,相關稅費由【 】方承擔。

  The rent is RMB【 】per square meter(construction area) per month. The area of the Premises is 【 】square meter and the monthly rent of the Premises is RMB【 】。 The rent includes management fee and winter heating fee. Party A shall issue an official tax receipt for the price hereunder. The taxes shall be born by Party【 】。


  Telephone Service:

  電話號碼由乙方自行申請,電話費按電信局的收費標準, 每月按實際通話次數/時間結算,乙方按單繳付。

  The telephone number shall be applied by Party B and the call charge shall be paid in accordance with the rate of the telecommunication authority. Party B shall pay the call charge actually incurred each month.


  Other charges:


  During the lease term, the electricity consumed in the Premises shall be paid by Party B to the Management Department in accordance with the actual consumption appeared on the bill of the Management Department. Party B shall pay for the electricity consumed in the Premises during the Grace Period



  7.1 租金應按 預付,免租期屆滿后,乙方于應付款月的第【 】號前向甲方支付下期租金。

  The rent shall be paid on basis. After expiration of the Grace Period, Party B shall pay for the rent before the【 】 day of the current .

  7.2 其他各項費用:(包括但不限于)水費、電費由乙方按大廈物業管理機構每月提供的交費通知單按時交付,



  Miscellaneous charges: Party B shall pay for the water and electricity on time to the Management Department according to the bills issued by the Management Department each month.


  Currency and Account:


  Party B shall pay the rent and all other amounts due and payable in RMB to the account designated by Party A.



  9.1 自本合同簽訂之日起 日內,乙方應向甲方繳付相當于【 】個月的租金計人民幣【 】元作為保證金及首期租金人民幣【 】元,共計人民幣【 】元。

  Within【 】days after the execution of this Lease Agreement, Party B shall pay to Party A a deposit in the amount of【 】-month rent and the first rent RMB【 】 , totaling RMB【 】。


  Upon expiration of the Lease Agreement, if the Lease Agreement is not to be renewed, Party A shall refund the deposit without interest to Party B within thirty (30) days after the expiration of this Lease Agreement. If there is any default penalty or compensation or expenses incurred due to the breach of Party B and/or any due amount that Party B fails to pay, Party A may deduct such default penalty or compensation or expenses or due amount from the deposit.


  During the lease term, if there is any default penalty, compensation or expense and/or any other due amount that shall be paid by Party B, Party A may deduct such amount from the deposit and Party B shall, within five (5) days after Party A so notifies.


  The state of the Premises when delivery :


  Party A will deliver the Premises at as-it-is basis, which satisfies the conditions as office.




  Party A shall deliver the Premises to Party B within the term specified herein.


  Party A shall ensure that it is legal owner of the Premises and have full right to lease the Premises.

  11.3甲方的權利保留Party A may reserve the following rights.

  11.3.1 使用公共設施;to use the public facilities;

  11.3.2 進入房屋內對公共設施進行檢查和維修。甲方行使該項權利時,應提前通知乙方,緊急情況除外。

  to enter into the Premises for check and maintenance provided that Party A shall inform Party B in advance except under emergency.

  11.3.3 在發出通知后(緊急情況除外),有權暫停大廈設施進行維修和維護,可能導致水電的中斷。甲方無需為此承擔責任。

  To repair and maintain the facilities of the building which may result in the suspension of water and electricity, upon a notice (except under emergency) without any liability thereof.

  11.4 甲方應協助提供乙方提供辦理工商營業執照所需相關證明文件。

  Party A shall assist Party B in registering with industrial and commercial administration by provide necessary documents.


  Party A shall procure the Management Department to provide water, electricity, air conditioning, heating and daily maintenance during the lease period.

  11.6 如在租賃期屆滿前兩個月,乙方未提出續租請求,或者雖然提出續租請求,但雙方在三十天內未就續租合同條款達成一致,甲方有權在工作時間帶領其他租戶進入房屋查看。

  If Party B does not submit an application for renewal two months prior to the expiration of this Lease Agreement, or if Party B submits such application but the parties fail to reach agreement on the renewal, Party A shall have the right to enter the Premises with other tenant at work hours to review.











