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How do you convey tone in email without seeming childish or girlish? Can you ever use exclamations in emails?
As we all know, tone is hard to convey properly via email. However, whenever I am inclined to use an ! to convey a positive tone, I get the sense that it actually reads as childish or immature. I also never seem to notice men using !’s in emails, either…. I’d love to hear yours and others thoughts on this!
。然而,每當我試圖利用一個驚嘆號來傳達積極的語氣時,我卻發現這讀起來讓我顯得很幼稚。我也從未見過有男人在郵件里使用驚嘆號……我很希望聽到你們和其他人對此的想法!A lot has been written about overuse of exclamations in emails — with some people even suggesting that one exclamation mark per email is a good rule to follow. There’s even an app to help you check the tone of your email! My best general advice is that abbreviations, multiple punctuation marks (!!!), and overly casual phrases (“amazeballs!”) have no place in professional emails. Beyond that, I think a lot of this depends on why you want to use a positive tone. For example:
很多讀者都寫到了在郵件里過度使用驚嘆號的問題——有些人甚至覺得每條郵件里都加一個驚嘆號是個很好的習慣。甚至還有人開發了能幫你檢驗你郵件中的語氣的 app!但我最好的一般性建議是,縮寫語、多個重復的標點符號(!!!)以及過于隨便的詞句(“酷斃了!”)都不應該出現在商務郵件里。除此之外,我就你為什么要使用積極的語氣做了些思考:
If you’re telling a subordinate he or she did a good job: They don’t care if you use exclamation marks; they’re just happy to get the praise. I think something like, “Outstanding!” is professional and encouraging without seeming juvenile.
《商務郵件寫作指南:電郵能用嘆號嗎》(http://salifelink.com)。我覺得就像“真不錯!”這樣的語句就很職業而且很能激勵人,還不會顯得太幼稚。If you’re trying to sugarcoat a bad situation for a superior: Exclamation marks aren’t going to help you here — in fact, they’ll probably hurt you. You don’t want to be overly grave (“I am so sorry this happened!!!”), or overly breezy (“…but on the plus side no one lost a limb!!!”)… it’s a tough tone to strike in email. Which, honestly, is why I recommend picking up the phone or dropping by your boss’s office. Not only do you not have to worry about tone, but you can better gauge your boss’s reaction, and — bonus! — there’s no paper trail that might get forwarded, misconstrued, filed away, etc.
I guess that’s my best tip — if you’re worried about the tone being misunderstood, it’s best to have the conversation orally . Otherwise, trust yourself and the English language — word choice goes a long way towards, you know, communicating. For example, writing “Great news, team: we are done with the doc review.” doesn’t need any exclamation marks to get the point across.